Matplotlib Event Handling

Matplotlib Series Part#14 - Pick Event (To make your Plots Interactive)

Events and Event Handling in Matplotlib

Eventplot using Matplotlib | Python

Matplotlib Widgets Make Your Graphs Interactive

Matplotlib Blitting Tutorial - 2x Improving Drawing Performance

Tutorial: Advanced matplotlib, from the library's author John Hunter

Create Event Plot Using Matplotlib in Python - 10 | Matplotlib Tutorial

Getting Started With matplotlib Widgets | MultiCursor Widget

Mouse event for matplotlib

How to update Plots in Matplotlib

Part 10: Matplotlib mouse events - Python PyQt5 GUI

Matplotlib Patches Tutorial: Drawing Shapes and Polygons

Michael Droettboom: matplotlib

Introduction to new matplotlib toolbar #MP55

Thomas Caswell | Interactive multi scale time series exploration with matplotlib

Interactive plot using Python Matplotlib Widgets| For absolute Beginner#jupyternotebook #matplotlib

Thomas Caswell | Matplotlib 2 0 or 'One does not simply change all the defaults'

PYTHON : Store mouse click event coordinates with matplotlib

Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 5): Filling Area on Line Plots

Display Info When You Hover To A Data Point In Matplotlib (Source Code In Description)

Matplotlib Widgets Tutorial | Making Interactable Plots in Matplotlib

Thomas Caswell: State of the Library: matplotlib

Matplotlib Backend Layer main functions | Matplotlib Course

Matplotlib: past, present and future; SciPy 2013 Presentation